In my opinion, women are being demeaned on this show by the very act of Mr. Sajak taking their hand, without consent, to escort them to the stage mark. Women allow him to take their hand because it is an automatic response from childhood. Plus, they are being viewed by millions of people on national television. What would happen if just one women did not take Mr. Sajak's hand? He doesn't offer it for her to take. He just takes her hand as if he has a right to do so by virtue of his celebrity status. The woman knows he won't hurt her, but he is patronizing her on national television! He is treating her like a child. Men are not treated like children on that show in the same way.

Every female should be treated exactly like every male in formal situations. I am not talking about interpersonal relationships between friends and family members. Certainly not. I am talking about colleagues, acquaintances and strangers taking my hand, touching my back or shoulder, or kissing me without my consent. I can't tell you how many times in my past working life, my male boss leaned against my back with his erect penis as I took dictation and tried to ignore what was happening. This leaning behavior is not subtle at all, but is a power play that defers very little control to the secretary or other powerless female trying to keep her job. Being required to deliver legal papers to my boss at his home and have him answer the door in his underwear is another example. Unacceptable.
I will admit, however, that during the days of asserting my equality, and as a joke, I did yell across a work parking lot, "Nice ass!" to a male I did not know well who was leaning into and helping a good friend with her car. We all laughed, but there is another example of unacceptable behavior. I contributed to it to assert my equality. I am not proud of what I felt I needed to do in order to be considered equal in a male-dominated work environment, but I did whatever I had to do to not just survive, but to thrive and succeed. I was a single mother, and I needed the money. I grew up a "tomboy", so I was used to dealing with boys.
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If a woman is assertive, she is viewed as being aggressive and uncooperative (and unattractive). She is called "a bitch". If a male is assertive, he is viewed as being aggressive and powerful which is very attractive. He is treated like a hero. Aggression in women is not desirable in our society, and is shunned at almost every attempt. I see some change in this regard, but not enough. Not by a long shot. Aggression in men is almost a requirement to gain respect and power from male peers. Gaining power over another human being is the game being played here. The action to display that power play is just a symptom.
Thoughts create words. Words create actions. Actions create change. Let's continue (for some begin) to change our thoughts about inequality, our words to describe acceptable behaviors related to equality, and our actions that result in insult, violence and chaos. Little changes create big differences. It's past time we as a society considered changing what has always been considered acceptable behavior or speech. All that is required is an acknowledgement that there is a problem, and mindfulness to change our words and deeds. No little feat I'm afraid. But possible and doable.